"Prekrásny svet" BP

Asi veľký fanúšik spoločnosti BP, keď im zložil aj pieseň. I see tar on the beach... waves of brown...
The oil hasn't stopped... since the rig burned down...
and I think to myself... what a wonderful world...

I see waters of blue... coated in a sheen...
60,000 barrels... that number's obscene...
and I think to myself... what a wonderful world...

the colors of the rainbow... so pretty in the slick...
are also on the faces of the sea bird's baby chick...
I see BP in their yachts... still making all their dough...
and the crisis persists.. in The gulf of mexico...

I hear fisherman cry... because they know...
that their way of life... was destroyed by the flow...
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world...
Yes, I think to myself... What a wonderful world...


Dátum: 22.7.10 10:35

Autor: tigrica

Dĺžka: 2:12

Kategória: Ľudia


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