Here are those comments:
A beeb minion eh? What other goodies have you got on tape?
LeepshinLEEPSHINVor 2 Tage
Fantastic..first time i have seen this. What a band!
andy brownANDY BROWNVor 14 Tage
Very nice doc. Thanks for sharing. Love 10cc
Virginia BravoVIRGINIA BRAVOVor 3 Monate
I love it ... topless, long haired roadies. Lucky Maggie!
Lucie PosheLUCIE POSHEVor 4 Monate
Baryonyx FischkralleBARYONYX FISCHKRALLEVor 7 Monate
What a fascinating video have been a 10cc fan since. they started also used to watch swap shop with my children but I missed this little gem until now!!
teresa shepherdTERESA SHEPHERDVor 10 Monate
1981 habe ich sie live erlebt in der Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt. Musikalisch das Beste was ich live erlebt habe!
Offenbacher64OFFENBACHER64Vor year
HI Ian, fantastic upload and what a great band, my dad worked in TV/film lighting and was always talking about setting up shows and how it was tricky sometimes, listening to the 20ft scaffold poles through the window brought back memories.
juday wonJUDAY WONVor 2 years
i remember watching this on swapshop thank you
biggles4441BIGGLES4441Vor 2 years
tough job
ed wrightED WRIGHTVor 2 years
Chris Neagle (sound engineer) was a producer at factory records after Martin Hannett left.
simonguitarmanSIMONGUITARMANVor 3 years
Thanks so much for posting this very very rare clip. This is very interesting! I'm so happy to see this video. I really appreciate you!
nora yoshikoNORA YOSHIKOVor 3 years
Thanks very much for the uploads, Ian! I'd watched the interview with Eric first which was very nice and amusing and wondered where the first bit was -- now I've found it! So, you worked on Swap Shop, Ian? It must have been a fascinating job!
AstraMusicOfficialASTRAMUSICOFFICIALVor 3 years
Dear Astra, yes I was lucky enough to work on Swap-shop and yes, it was great fun!
Ian NormanIAN NORMANVor 3 years
That chief rigger sure has some beautiful hair
Charles ScottCHARLES SCOTTVor 4 years
Nice one Ian. This was fun to do but I didn't realise any copies existed. Good to see it after all these years.
Chris BellingerCHRIS BELLINGERVor 4 years
Dear Chris, great to hear from you. Yes, Swap-shop was great fun to work on. I recorded a few of the shows as keepsakes. Hope you are keeping well, what are you doing these days ?
Ian NormanIAN NORMANVor 4 years
Hi, Ian Do you really have the interview with Eric? Please, please post it when you get time. I can't believe anyone has these. HUGE THANKS to you.
helena moonHELENA MOONVor 4 years
Dear Helena, sorry for the delay, but I have finally found time to upload the Eric Stewart interview. Hope you enjoy it!
Ian NormanIAN NORMANVor 4 years
Oh yes please Ian. That would be fantastic. It is amazing you have these. Huge huge thanks to you. Helena
helena moonHELENA MOONVor 4 years
This is fantastic that you have this, Ian. How on earth did you get it - do you have a relative who worked on Swap Shop or something? Anyway thank you so much for posting this. I can clearly remember watching this when it was originally shown. I must admit I was a tad (heaps really) disappointed that Maggie didn't speak to the band ( I mean Eric!). But it was great to watch anyway, and I particularly remember the guys having their lunch on Brighton beach. Many many thanks.
helena moonHELENA MOONVor 4 years
Dear Helena, no relative worked on it, I did. It was live and great fun, so I recorded some episodes as keep sakes. Noel interviewed Eric in the studio, towards the end of the show, shall I post that?
Ian NormanIAN NORMANVor 4 years
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