Melódie inštrumentálnych pesničiek, ktoré ste už niekedy niekde počuli, ale nikdy ste nevedeli ako sa volajú. Príjemné počúvanie! Zoznam skladieb:
Soul Bossa Nova - The Academy Allstars,
Winchester Cathedral - New Vaudeville Band,
Spanish Flea - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass,
Afrikan Beat - Bert Kaempfert And His Orchestra,
Déclic: Java - Murray Sporn,
Mexican Hat Dance,
The Mambo Craze - De-Phazz,
Doop - dooper than doop,
Benny Hill - The Edwin Davids Jazz Band,
Dick und Doof,
Pat Und Patachon: Whirlwind,
Baby Elephant Walk - Henry Mancini & His Orchestra,
Tea For Two,
My Name is Nobody - Ennio Morricone,
The Andy Griffith Show,
Left Bank Two - Wayne Hill,
Wheels - Billy Vaughn And His Orchestra,
The Entertainer - Scott Joplin,
Blues Party - Gert Wilden,
Gonna Fly Now - Bill Conti,
The River Kwai March/Colonel Bogey March - Mitch Miller,
Tunes Of Glory - Mitch Miller,
William Tell Overture: Finale - Rossini,
Galop Infernal (Can-Can) - Jacques Offenbach,
The Nutcracker Suite: Russian Dance - Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky,
March ot the Toreadors - Bizet,
Radetzky Marsch - Johann Strauss,
The Stars and Stripes Forever John - Phillip Sousa,
Pomp and Circumstance - Elgar,
Blue Danube Waltz - Strauss,
Voices of Spring - Strauss,
La Traviata: Drinking Song - Verdi,
The Flight of the Bumble Bee - Rimsky-Korsakov,
Sabre Dance - Khachaturian,
Hungarian Dance No. 5 - Brahms,
Rondo Alla Turca - Mozart,
Dance of the hours (La Gioconda),
Pizzacato - Léo Delibes,
Humoresque - Dvorak,
Kategória: Hudba
Tagy: inštrumentálne pesničky zvučky melódie známe film z filmov 79 pesničiek
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