About a young rapper who wants to battle the wrongs of the world, but first needs to overcome himself, his marihuana problems and schizophrenic tendencies.
Best Cinematography AWARD, Best Short Film AWARD Acko Festival 2011, Celtx Seeds AWARD 2012, Cluj-Napoca FFeST 2012 Best International Film AWARD. BRATISLAVA
Krajina: Slovensko 🇸🇰
Kategória: Film a tv
Tagy: bratislava ba petrzalka 5trzalka film sidlisko sidliska studentsky film euba slovensko slovakia sk blava stratene deti lost child lost children lost childrens trava
PETRŽALKA GOPROAutor: jazdimnavrakose5 448 videní
Nasraní PetržalčaniaAutor: noone6 737 videní
"Mafia" v BratislaveAutor: uzmam5nick13 316 videní
Bódhisattva v PetržalkeAutor: noone3 630 videní
Children Of Bodom - Trashed, Lost & StrungoutAutor: alexilaiho4 812 videní
Bratislava (short timelapse)Autor: noone4 296 videní
Disturbed - AwakenAutor: metall1storm2 665 videní
Disturbed - MonsterAutor: metall1storm3 133 videní
Porto - Petržalka 2:3Autor: molko26 798 videní
Disturbed - A Welcome BurdenAutor: homersimson4 360 videní
Stratené detiAutor: noone3 600 videní
Children Of Bodom - Trashed, Lost & StrungoutAutor: dodo007313 444 videní
Slovensko BAAutor: patosvk6 616 videní