Z albumu Midian (2000). Užite si to!!! /,,/
Cradle Of Filth - From The Cradle The EnslaveAutor: alexilaiho2 990 videní
CRADLE OF FILTH - Lilith ImmaculateAutor: almano12 132 videní
CRADLE OF FILTH - Frost On Her PillowAutor: alexilaiho3 772 videní
Cradle Of Filth - From The Cradle To EnslaveAutor: dzonky3 027 videní
Cradle Of Filth - A dream of wolves in the snowAutor: ekevio3 725 videní
Cradle Of Filth - Babylon ADAutor: metalpej2 744 videní
Cradle Of Filth - NymphetamineAutor: metalpej3 543 videní
Cradle Of Filth - As Deep as Any BurialAutor: ekevio252 videní
Cradle Of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name (IronAutor: metalpej3 601 videní
Cradle Of Filth - Hammer Of The Witches - D.VideosAutor: ozzy792 280 videní
Diabolical Breed - In The Eye Of The StormAutor: analgrinder2 618 videní
Cradle of Filth - From Cradle To EnslaveAutor: warhero1 981 videní
Tomb Raider - Paint It, BlackAutor: croft392 701 videní