počet výsledkov: 100 (37 - 48)
  • Young Lean - Yoshi City3:45

    Young Lean - Yoshi City

    pridal abdelko pred 3410 dňami a 17 hodinami

    Stockholm city we're burned out Yoshi city we burn it down I guess it's my turn now Smoking loud i'm a lonely cloud I'm a...

    1 693 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • S.O.J.A - Here I Am4:56

    S.O.J.A - Here I Am

    pridal senican pred 4827 dňami a 19 hodinami

    She calls me when i'm in town I pretend i'm not around But she sees on her screen i am So here i am,here i am She don't...

    22 316 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené3 komenty

  • Christina Novelli - Black Hole4:27

    Christina Novelli - Black HoleHD

    pridal ptrtv pred 137 dňami a 8 hodinami

    You pull me in Here we go again And my heart beats faster now I don't know Why I'm powerless And there's no way...

    231 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • Vengaboys - We Like to Party (1998)3:44

    Vengaboys - We Like to Party (1998)

    pridal world pred 5368 dňami a 19 hodinami

    Spomínate si na "We Like to Party" z roku 1998 ?

    12 417 videní93% sa páči12 x obľúbené6 komentov

  • Mcdonald's Rap2:33

    Mcdonald's Rap

    pridal pleyboj18 pred 5318 dňami a 10 hodinami

    Títo chlapci od nudy spravili Mcdonald's Rap + text. Text: I need a double cheeseburger and hold the...

    26 011 videní95% sa páči8 x obľúbené2 komenty

  • We like 2 Party3:26

    We like 2 PartyHD

    pridal mischelka pred 3559 dňami a 18 hodinami

    We like 2 party je taká pohoďácka. Zrejme to má byť na odľahčenie ich predošlého songu Bang Bang Bang.

    3 871 videní50% sa páči3 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • 10cc - Donna2:55

    10cc - Donna

    pridal missthing18 pred 2336 dňami a 12 hodinami

    ‘Donna’ is another spoof doo-wop song, better than either of the songs listed above, but personally I find it by far the...

    37 944 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené1 koment

  • Cindy Bullens - Too Close To Home - Scripture Version9:02

    Cindy Bullens - Too Close To Home - Scripture Version

    pridal missthing18 pred 2255 dňami a 2 hodinami

    "Too Close to Home" by Cindy Bullens is based on: 1 Samuel 20:1 David and Jonathan 20 Then David fled from Naioth at...

    33 302 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • 10cc - Donna - lipsynch performance from Top Pop2:57

    10cc - Donna - lipsynch performance from Top Pop

    pridal missthing18 pred 2336 dňami a 12 hodinami

    ‘Donna’ is another spoof doo-wop song, better than either of the songs listed above, but personally I find it by far the...

    34 479 videní0% sa páči0 x obľúbené1 koment

  • Volbeat - For Evigt ft. Johan Olsen4:43

    Volbeat - For Evigt ft. Johan Olsen

    pridal lordmmx pred 2683 dňami a 11 hodinami

    Memory, your lamp light is burning holes Recover the damage, bring it all home Follow the bliss just like Summer song Please...

    15 624 videní0% sa páči0 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • 10cc - I'm Mandy Fly Me - clip from TOTP5:40

    10cc - I'm Mandy Fly Me - clip from TOTP

    pridal missthing18 pred 2336 dňami a 12 hodinami

    A quite "beatlesque" song from 10cc, one of the most underrated bands of rock history - and one of the best, as well. If How...

    54 626 videní100% sa páči0 x obľúbené0 komentov

  • Modjo - Lady Hear Me Tonight3:35

    Modjo - Lady Hear Me Tonight

    pridal kabika pred 5784 dňami a 18 hodinami

    Skvelá hudbička z roku 2000.Dávam aj text knemu Lady, hear me tonight, Cos my feeling is just so right. As we dance, By...

    4 661 videní88% sa páči7 x obľúbené5 komentov